Hello again, I have just finished a new canvas & would like to share my work with you today. It is a slightly different approach in terms of my colour choices. It was a brave decision to go with the dark slate grey background. My intention was to create a huge burst of colour over the grey, radiating vibrancy & zest.

Having been on a very recent family holiday, which at times we struggled to move through our chunks of family greyness. This really affected my husband more than the rest of us! It was influenced by the very disappointing unpredicable weather. It occurred to me many times during the week  just how important it is to be able to try & push through these blocks of darkness. To trust that the next day will be a very different one. Perhaps even try & work in some colour to the  day & situation you are in. This is not easy even when you are just looking after yourself, but faced with a family senario it can feel really daunting! It was a another family learning curve for me & my husband. I think some people have an almost natural abilty to see beyond the darker shades that pop up in daily life, whilst others maybe like me & my hubby have to buckle down & really work hard at finding the colour to carry us through to the other side.

I am really pleased with how the concept has worked out on this finished piece & would like to continue to experiment using this idea again maybe? I like the brights sitting on top of the dark greys. It is quite a powerful & uplifting image & a visual reminder that grey will not last forever! Look for the colour & it will slowly show itself.  Feeling the colour filling our lives again!

Many thanks for looking at my blog today.

Until next time, take care.

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