Hello again, it is nice to be back blogging after a number of weeks. These two panels are inspired by my sister's colour scheme in her lounge. She has lots of red, silver, black, white, brown & grey. I am really hoping they fit into her interior & that she likes them?

They are to sit either end of another canvas of mine, "Sunshine After Rain". Finger's crossed they will look super stylish in her beautiful lounge.

On a personal note, life has been yet another emotional rollercoaster for us all which has slowed down my artistic inspiration. It has been really nice just to take some time in- between our recent difficulties to indulge in creating these co two collage panels!!

I have a large panel canvas waiting to be started... the largest one yet!! Please keep watching this space for developments. 

Thank you for reading my blog & sharing my creative & emotional journey with me.

Until next time, take care.


  1. The panels are beautiful and if your sister doesn't adore them (how could she not?!) feel free to ship them to America. ;-)

    1. Hello Maggie.....what a wonderful suprise it was to receive your lovely comment last eve. I was actually watching a film, "Life of Pi", when my phone pinged. It was you with an amazing message for me!! What a week it has been...full of up & downs!!! Also in the depth of the downs a few things have happened to pick me up. The film is a very spiritual one so I feel that rounded the week off on a good note. I have sold 4 large canvas's this year to family & friends in the UK. Then I have these pnaels for my sister. I am flattered to know I could ship them to you....bless you..Thanks!!! Maybe I could do something for you in the future? I have no idea of shipping cost's etc? Please keep looking at my blog for further work. I generally have no great plan just go with my creative flow!! Have a great weekend Maggie!!


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