By Moira Read

Anger in my belly
Pain in my heart so big it could make it stop beating
What to do with all this emotion battering my body?

Take me to a hill
Somewhere high up
Somewhere private
Let me shout at our sky
Let me scream at our sky

Would I really shout?
No, I would whisper & pray for some tears to fall
No, I would be frightened & lost
Who would be listening anyway?
Only my own self, my own ears

Her bravery astounds me
Her fear consumes me
Her love creates me
Her need overwhelms me
Her struggles distress me

Morning arrives, my husband next to me
Lying in silence
What can we say?
How can we comfort each other?
Tense bodies, confused minds, bruised hearts

We are in this together
She has needed us forever
Elastic people stretching to make friends with autism
We meet it head on
We say ok autism do your worst
We listen & learn about autism
We are working with you autism
Give our girl a chance to function without so much pain

She has a brilliant creative mind
She has her own wonderful way of communicating
Her passions are extreme & interesting
She has a heart made out of cotton wool, marshmallows,
soft feathers & rainbows 
Her head is filled with princesses, dolls, soft toys, ponies, guinea pigs, stickers, colouring, books, creative writing & theatrical music scores

Another day to unfold
Uneasy in our skin
Loving till it stings & burns
Hoping till it drains & teases
Trying like there is no tomorrow
Feeling very tiny in a great big world

Words healing my mind & soul
Giving thanks 
Cup of tea being offered & accepted gratefully
Please be kind to us today our sky above
Treat us gently

Hello again, I wrote this poem at 8am last Saturday morning. It again just came with no struggle, it was finished in 15 mins. It came from my heart.
It came after a very upsetting late night caring for our eldest daughter who has high functioning autism. She experiences sensory overload meltdowns & this by far was the worst one yet! It began around 11pm & ended 1.45am. They can be triggered by unexpected excitment, boredom, being in crowds with 2 way traffic, cross conversations, bright lights & high pitched sounds. 
We used her new weighted blanket for therapy to soothe her. We used her favourite Disney doll to calm her. Her younger sister gave her Fig our guinea pig to comfort her.
After waking I had so much anger & fear in my body I felt the urge to write my feeling down in a sort of a poem. It helps. I show my husband, he nods, he understands the words. We find ourselves stuck with any conversation. Silent hand holding is good. I sleep on.
I wake suddenly in a panic. I hear voices of my family downstairs. What day is it? What time is it? 1.30pm!! I feel angry again. Why did they leave me to sleep this long? You need the rest was the reply.
No brushed hair today, no change of clothes, no wash, no makeup. I needed to feel my family around me before anything else.

It was a better day, it did treat us with kindness. It did allow our daughter some peace. We did hear laughter & we managed to all sleep that night without any upsetting events.
We had talked about our daughter's triggers & suddenly a breakthrough happened. Our daughter seemed to be find her real voice. She has been on her own journey since her diagnosis in October 2013. She is learning about her limits, her joys, her emotions very slowly. She will be 16 this March. We talked about structure, planning & the prediction of most things. She spoke with clarity about her needs, although it was hard for her to speak whilst filtering her thoughts at the same time. We were patient. We were so moved to witness  her emotional growth beginning to shine through.
A calm quiet evening followed, all still recovering & resting internally. 
A new week ahead for us all.

Thank you for reading my blog today.

Until next time, take care.
All images are taken from Pinterest 


  1. bless you, my beautiful darling girl.
    I read something recently which resonated with me greatly.
    It's about giving.
    It goes like this; Give to yourself 51% and to others 49%. Honour yourelf just a little bit more than others. In itself it could be a very contraversial thing to say and I can hear the kind of things you might say to counter it. I can even hear your rage that anyone might suggest you put yourself before autism. When autism is the eye of the storm in your home you must, I would imagine, deal with it; fullstop. But the rest of the time, if you give to yourself just a little bit more,in tiny little ways, you are building yourself up to deal with the meltdown. The beauty, for me lies in the explicit amounts, percentages; never seen guidelines like that before. We all need a map to guide our way through this life. I can find the origin of the quote if you like.
    I think a lot about our extended birth family and the fullness of that life. I wish I could go back there, truly be in the moment, and experince it in it's wholeness, goodness, strength, beauty and much, much love. I didn't always feel like this. It's disintregation saddens me geatly. Their legacy isn't being passed on, it seems to me. I wonder what I can do about it.
    When I see your face it makes me cry to see and feel your beauty. Keep writing, Moira, you are not alone.
    "Understanding is the wellspring of life for him who has it." Khalil Gibran, "the Prophet" Keep writing,, and understanding. Create your own legacy. Aunty. x

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment earlier today. I loved reading your writing too!!! Very expressive & caring !!! I will speak soon to you in person love for now xxxx

  2. That is a lovely, wonderfully expressed comment Aunty ... and something we have often discussed too ... I believe the legacy is there in all of us ... even though we are scattered ... that goodness, strength, beauty and much much love is still there in all of us and what we bring to our lives and those we connect with. We are all deep thinking ... caring ... and there for each other members of that same family ... and whenever we need to we tap into it. Moira's issue unfortunately so polarises her family that it is fraught with extra challenges from within and without ... but we are all learning to cope with it and Moira is doing a fine job at educating us all. Moira I am on that hill with you ... whenever I can be ... just impossible to be there as much as I would like to be ... but there I am ... and it is never far from my mind. Wonderful piece of cathartic writing :) Lots of love to both ... Sister and Niece xxxx


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