Hello again on this grey & wet morning here. 

Today's post is about being visible, seeing yourself.

I have always struggled with seeing myself with love.

 Depression & poor self-worth have always been a constant battle, even throughout my teenage years.

When I am feeling really stressed or exhausted I can very easily loose sight of myself. It can become a huge effort to think about myself with any kindness & self-worth.

I have been working on cultivating my visibility as part of my recovery & healing from depression.

I came across a Vivienne McMaster's photography a couple of years ago. Her work is cultivating self-love through self-portraiture.

Be You Own Beloved

Finding her beautiful photographs really connected with my soul. I knew it would help me to begin to find myself.

I started to become interested in photography & looking at things differently. My two photographs below were taken with Vivienne's technique in mind, a couple of years ago.

I have noticed I tend to take a self portrait when I am feeling see through & invisble. 

When I am paper thin & very delicate.

 When I need something to remind me who I am & possibly what other people see when they look at me with compassion, love & kindness.

Her images take time & she herself admits it can take many attempts & deleted photographs to arrive at the right image.

If you feel you would like to find out more about her work do take a look at her website I have linked above for you.

Thank you for reading my post today.

Until next time, take care.

Some images are taken from Pinterest

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