Hello again, this blog post is to celebrate how lucky we are to have these two adorable guinea pigs, Fig & Oreo in our lives.

Zoe had been to a "County Show" with a friend & her parents in the summer school holidays August 2013. They had lots of tiny guinea pigs to buy there & she came home after a long day frantic with the need to go the next day & buy two of them. 

It was impossible to do that, as firstly we already had plans & secondly having never had a family pet we needed time to think about the prospect & the responsibility of looking after a pet etc.

I really felt Zoe's need for something of her own. Something to love & look after. Something she felt would need her as much as she needed it!! I decided I would go with my gut & really make this happen for her. Somehow I even managed to talk my husband round into agreeing?!! Gina our eldest had never been keen on animals, infact she had a severe dog phobia from very small, which became so bad we couldn't visit to parks, any open spaces or friends houses who had dogs. Also my mother-in-law has a severe phobia towards animals since childhood. But I felt guinea pigs would make the perfect family pet, taking into account all our different needs.


I managed to locate two 6 month old boys half an hour from where we live, who were no longer wanted by their owners.

Zoe fetched them both home & they were her very special gift on her 11th birthday.


These two boys have been held, cuddled & loved dearly everyday by all of us. Suprisingly Gina has a truely amazing bond with Fig & she says seeing him every morning is what she gets out of bed for!! Zoe enjoys cleaning them & is very keen to make sure they are looked after well with the right food & care etc. Gina is more concerned with talking to them in her own guinea pig way of speaking. She has special names for them, including imaginary names for their possible girlfriends, Olive & Vanilla Sponge?!!
We did discover, (once Fig & Oreo were part of our family) that guinea pigs are often used in schools with autistic children. 
How strange that Zoe had been so attracted to these gentle creatures. I knew it was a real request from somewhere deep inside her, which I was happy to listen to & make it happen for her.

I think these two special boys have, "invisible wings" as without them this last year would have been even tougher than it has been already & unfortunately still is!!

I would recommend them as an adorable pet for anyone young or old who find they are searching for loving & trusting friendship and are finding that almost impossibe to achieve with people. They have both introduced another joy into our family home.

My husband, mother-in-law have both come round, as they can see just what a hugely important aspect of our daughter's life they are. 

This week both my girls have struggled with very different things.
I will always be eternally grateful to these little furry angels, as they offer us momentary distraction & much needed respite throughout some of long days & family evenings together.


 Many thanks for reading my blog post today.

Until next time, take care.

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